
3C: Thanks for putting Dolores children first

Friday, Nov. 9, 2012 11:25 PM


The Strong Schools, Strong Community Bond Committee would like to thank everyone for their strong support in passing 3C. We look forward to building a facility to match our excellent students, teachers and staff. Thank you to everyone who voted to pass the bond. Work on the schools will begin as soon as possible. If you are interested in participating on a design committee, or other aspects of the next phase, please inquire at the district office or at the schools.

Many people worked hard to pass the bond. A special thanks goes out to all the community members who helped canvass the community and share information about 3C. In the year leading up to the bond, a number of school district employees tirelessly toiled to secure the BEST grant that will pay for 43 percent of our construction project. We express our gratitude to them. Deanna and Val Truelsen at the Ponderosa generously donated space for the committee to meet weekly and to gather for other events as well as space to store materials. We appreciate all of the local businesses and home owners who showed their support by hosting a yard sign or passing out information regarding the bond. We thank the Town of Dolores, Dolores Chamber of Commerce and the Dolores Library Board for their resolutions supporting the bond. All of the businesses and individuals who voiced their support through letters to the newspaper are greatly appreciated. We thank the Dolores Star, 93.3 FM D’Crow and KSJD, dry land public radio, for airtime and media coverage. The Dolores Rotary Club, Dolores PTA, Dolores Booster Club, Dolores Education Association and Colorado Education Association, Montezuma County Economic Development Association and several individuals made monetary contributions to support the 3C campaign. We thank them for supporting us with their hard earned funds.

Thanks you for putting the children of Dolores first and making their education a priority. Strong schools make a strong community. Our strong community has voted to make our schools stronger!

Strong Schools,
Strong Community

Bond Committee

