
Mancos school board discusses spruce tree art and approves budget

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 8:20 PM
During Monday’s school board meeting on Monday, Secondary Principal Adam Priestley reports that the Denver Athletic Club awarded the Mancos High School football team a “step up award” and $2,000.
After Monday’s board meeting, owner’s representative Monty Guiles led the Mancos school board on a tour of construction work on the school campus.

The Mancos RE-6 school board on Monday approved a $31.75 million preliminary budget and discussed the school renovation project and the upcoming school year.

Owner’s representative Monty Guiles reported that demolition and other work has begun on the project, but that backlogged state permits and inspections have delayed some work.

“We can Sheetrock one side of a wall and then leave the other side open for inspection,” Guiles said. “We cannot cover any ditches at this point that are called out for inspection because we can not get our inspector until we have our permits.”

Guiles said he would have an update on the permits on Wednesday.

The board also heard ideas about repurposing the popular blue spruce tree that was removed from the schoolyard when construction began.

“I saw the two pieces of the tree laying on its side, and I thought, what would be cool is if local artists would join with me as well as perhaps skilled and interested high school students in the fall and carve that big piece into a historical totem pole,” local artist David Mallin said.

He suggested that the second section of the tree be milled and used to build something for the office or main entry. The board appeared enthusiastic and asked Mallin to bring a proposal to the next board meeting.

Secondary Principal Adam Priestley reported that the Denver Athletic Club awarded the Mancos High School football team a “Step Up” award along with a $2,000 check.

The team was rewarded for its performance in its 2017 homecoming and quarterfinal games. According to Priestley, the Denver Athletic Club was impressed by how the athletes played together and how well the coaching staff performed.

Board budget actionsThe Mancos School Board acted on multiple resolutions regarding the 2018-2019 budget and unanimously approved the preliminary budget of $31.75 million.

The board unanimously authorized borrowing up to $263,833.28 from the general fund to pay back interest and principle payment for the bond for the Mancos Renovation Project, according to district business manager Chrissie Miller.

The board unanimously authorized using the 2018-2019 budget’s beginning balance of $4,773,930.57 to continue the school renovation project.

Miller said that in January and after taxes, the district will have enough revenue “to pay everything next year.”

Board director Tim Hunter read the resolution that listed appropriations:

General fund: $6,579,882.26Preschool: $254,362.54Food service fund: $296,064.25Bond redemption fund: $492,929.73Building fund: $23,730,796.75Capital reserve projects: $196,108.39Pupil activity fund: $197,325.55In other action, the board unanimously approved the resignation of Lorraine Boblitt, a step increase for Superintendent Brian Hanson for 2018-2019, the 2018-2019 salary schedule, and a recommendation to approve vacation carryover for 12-month employees.

The school board’s July meeting will be set after contacts are made to organize a community meeting before the regular board meeting.
